Deb's Vision

The meaning of this Photo.

I was going down a river in a raft. Trooper was up front with his arms around the boys having fun while I was in the back steering. I saw a beach ahead and thought that I would stop to have a time of rest. When we got to the beach God asked me to throw my stuff (a bag and an oar) onto the beach and to let him take control. I did as I was asked and went up to the front of the raft with everyone else. Trooper and I were on the sides of the raft with our boys in the middle. We each had one hand in the water and the other around our boys. As we were going down stream a hand came out of the depths of the water and grabbed my hand and one grabbed Troopers. Then one by one more hands started appearing and linking onto eachother. When I looked over at all the hands they appeared to be in the shape of wings on either side of the raft. I looked ahead to see a huge waterfall as we started to go over it. But instead of going over the waterfall we were launched off of it and those hands became our wings as we flew over some tropical land

After some time in prayer I have learned that these hands are our partners on our journey.